Monday, September 12, 2022

Dear Families,
         Wow, we had an amazing first week in room E-190! I was really impressed by your children's great listening skills and kindness this week.  We were very busy in the classroom.
Here are some things we worked on:

-learning classroom routines
-making new friends
-creating classroom rules
-writing our hopes and dreams for 4th grade
-planning our Bio poems
-Inspirational math- Solving the Four 4s and number visuals
-choosing just right books
-Writing about our reading
-practicing the fire drill
-Applying for classroom jobs

On Wednesday, September 14 there will be a band demo day.  Keep an eye out for a yellow sign up sheet that will go home in the take home folder next week. 

The specialist schedule is a bit different this year.  It's on a rotating color schedule.  I will plan to send out the week's schedule at the end of each week, so parents can plan ahead for the following week. Here are some things we worked on:

This is how it works:

Red: Library & SEL
Orange: Spanish & Music
Yellow: STEAM
Green: PE
Blue: Spanish & Music
Purple: Art

Thursday, September 8 : STEAM
Friday, September 9 : PE
Monday, September 12 : Spanish & Music
Tuesday, September 13: Art
Wednesday, September 14: Library & SEL
Thursday, September 15: Spanish & Music
Friday, September 16: STEAM

Have a wonderful weekend!


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